Home Greek News According to Trump HIMSELF, his collusion with the…RUSSIANS dates back to the 1980s!!!

According to Trump HIMSELF, his collusion with the…RUSSIANS dates back to the 1980s!!!

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According to Trump HIMSELF, his collusion with the…RUSSIANS dates back to the 1980s!!!

Trump’s 1980’s solution to the then nuclear arms race was a partnership with….RUSSIA!!!

Listen to what Donald Trump said back in 1985 in the magazine Manhattan, Inc. with regards to his pals the….RRRRRRRRROOSKIES (Russians)! YES YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY, THE RUSSIANS. From what the evidence shows, Trump has been in cahoots with the Russians since the early 1980s expressing how the United States should partner with…RUSSIA to “end” the nuclear arms race! You can’t make this stuff up!

In an early 2017 article of Politico.com entitled “The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin,” Politico goes over the fact that both Trump and Putin are basically born and bred of Chabad Lubavitch, one of the most notorious “loving,” little rabbinical Jewish groups in the whole, wide world.  Chabad is based in….RUSSIA and calls Putin one of their own–LITERALLY. They also just do happen to be connected with the world-wide Jewish mafia. OI VEY!

In other words, the Trump ties to Russia not only date back DECADES but they also have to do with his ties to the…RUSSIAN-JEWISH MAFIA! This whole “Russia hacking scandal” is noting more that a….RUSE! This whole issue is hiding that fact that both Trump and Putin are attempting to hand the word over to…ZIONIST JEWISH POWER SO THAT THEY CAN CREATE THEIR “NEW, JEW WORLD ORDER.” Trump’s own former mentor, Roy Cohn, was head of the Jewish mafia for years in America and was one of the criminals that helped to found the Israeli Mossad and, according to the July 19th, 1996 publication of Lyndon Larouche’s EIR magazine, was one of the criminals involved in the….JFK ASSASSINATION!!! His evidence for this came straight out of District Attorney Jim Garrison’s case against Clay Shaw in the late ’60s. Read “The Roy Cohn mob and ‘Dirty Dick’ Morris by Alton Chaitkin” for more.

WE THE PEOPLE allowed OUR POLITICAL LEADERS in 1917 under W. Wilson to create the Bolshevik Revolution!…WE financed Lenin and Trotsky…WE allied with these butchers who were ALL JEWISH….WE allied with Stalin….WE then created the FAKE “Cold War” and….WE are now allowing this whole fake, vicious cycle to REPEAT ITSELF with this whole charade with Trump, Putin and the Russians which many have now dubbed the…”SECOND COLD WAR”!

We already learned about Trump’s ties to the Russian-Jewish mafia years ago! ABC news interview his in 2013 on this and Trump got pissed off at the journalist interviewing his and got up and left the interview early…

So Trump apparently has operated for YYYYYYYYYEARS as a so called “peace negotiator” between the Jews and Palestinians and this dated back to the early 1980s! Trump appeared on the front cover of the this magazine, Manhattan Inc., in its  November 1985 edition with the title “Donald Trump’s Ultimate Deal,” and the things that he mentioned in this article just to happen to have already found their…FULFILLMENT in Trump’s first term as US president! CO-INCIDENCE??? I DON’T THINK SO!

See now the video!…

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