Home Greek News Wax Dummy used as “Dead Body” in Santa Fe School Shooting Hoax

Wax Dummy used as “Dead Body” in Santa Fe School Shooting Hoax

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Wax Dummy used as Dead Body in Santa Fe School Shooting Hoax

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Police arrested 3 Santa Fe High students over school shooting threat 6 months ago in NEW MEXICO!!!

Source: https://nodisinfo.com/wax-dummies-used-as-dead-bodies-in-santa-fe-school-shooting-hoax/#prettyPhoto

Make no mistake the Santa Fe School shooting is not real in the least. Instead, it is a scam and a hoax, which is undeniably true. No one died, and no one was injured. All the deaths were staged, including all the funerals. Even the bodies were staged, and if any such ‘body’ was seen in a casket, it wasn’t real. Instead, it was a dapper cadaver dummy: mere wax and silicon.

Image result for Christian "Riley" Garcia; images; casket; santa fe

Consider the case of Christian Riley Garcia. He’s not dead. He couldn’t be. That’s because there was no shooting at the school. Thus, what happened to him? Where is he now?

Here are some images of the individual. Does anyone know where he is?

Image result for Christian Riley Garcia;Image result for Christian Riley Garcia;

He said investigators told the family Riley died trying to help others. Thus, it is said, as is typical of these arch-scams:

“He was holding a door shut so that he could protect other students that were there,”
He lost his life when a gunshot came through the door. (The gunshot) took his life but, in the sacrifice of his own life,

(because of what he did) “others were allowed to escape and had some time to get away. We know there were several lives lost but his story is a story of true heroism.”

In the midst of a real shooting where a shooter is blasting away with a shotgun and a handgun (and just how he could handle two guns at the same time remains to be seen), surely, no one would do anything other than run for cover.

He’s a hero, sure he is, that is “He gave himself so others would have a chance.” 

It is, thus, certain that the story lines are nothing other than lies. Yet, wait a minute. It has to be true. There was an open casket and there he is. Zionist-operated Hollywood can do this, that is can fake the corpse.

It looks fake. For instance, the hair is bizarre and doesn’t match the nature of his actual hair. Also, the hair on the eyelids is awfully prominent. This appears to be a wax dummy.

As well, his nose seems to have a curve downward versus the more straight Roman nose of the dummy. The color is as would be expected from a dapper cadaver dummy, not an actual human corpse.

It looks like a tufted bush. It’s also rectangular, like a fake hair piece or some other staged element. As well, what did they do, shave off all his bangs?

Nevertheless, everyone is faking it with phony crying, tear-free, including the mother of the ‘girl who spurned’ the phony shooter:

Why fake it, unless the whole event is nothing other than a terminally corrupt arch-phony?

The star of the show never sheds a tear, despite all the vocal expressions and the acting out, despite getting into the act of ‘shock and sadness’ repeatedly. Not a single tear. Why didn’t the criminal minds behind this use tear sticks in this case?

Everybody knows it was a normal procedure and that it was a drill made to appear as if an active shooter event.

She’s making every type of false witness. No one can demonstrate otherwise.

As one of our posters has stated repeatedly there is no evidence of any actual wounded people or any deceased individuals. The people of this world are being played, once again, by this fake, bamboozled to the extreme.


There could be no such presence of all the military forces and all government agencies, not at 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning. They couldn’t spontaneously mobilize that quickly. It had to be all planned well in advance.

It’s the same with the Noblesville, Indiana, hoax: same methodology, no doubt about it:

Image result for Indiana school shooting; high school; noblesville; images

These fakes justify the heavy budget imposed upon the people, that is via taxation, courtesy of the terminally wretched arch-Zionist DHS.

Let the people know, including those who participate in these scams, that in terms of the divine code the making of false witness is a crime:

Image result for shooting; noblesville, indiana;

Why, despite all the posturing and imagery, is there no adrenaline running in these events? Why is no one in shock? Why aren’t the parents of the ‘deceased’ actually suffering in visible grief?

Anyone who watches this video can clearly see that this, too, is an arch-fake. It’s obvious. It’s the same, old story of heroics with the unbelievable happening to ‘save lives’ through unfathomable bravery.  Once again, we are ‘told’, these heroes ‘piled furniture and desks’ against the doors.

“100 State Troopers have been brought in…?” When in the world would such vast numbers be needed for a spontaneous shooting where only a few people were injured? That makes no sense, and everyone knows it, including all the parents and teens who helped stage this terminally corrupt lie.

Hoax index for all: beyond the pale, not calculable.

Read now!…

Police arrested 3 Santa Fe High students over school shooting threat 6 months ago in NEW MEXICO!!!

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