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German School Forces Girls To Wear Hijabs

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German School Forces Girls To Wear Hijabs

Schoolgirls in Germany are being told to wear Muslim hijabs as part of a new scheme being trialled by local authorities.

In one school in, six girls were forced to wear Islamic headscarves before being paraded around downtown Lünen by teachers.

Infowars.com reports: According to a male teacher who observed the group, older people looked at the girls with skepticism and when told about the social experiment responded by saying, “Stay out of here with that garbage.”

The participants said that the hijabs made them feel more self-conscious, strange and that they were being watched.

The Gates of Vienna website complained that the girls were being prepared “for life under sharia”.

“It’s as if they’re being coached on the way to behave once Islam becomes dominant in Germany — which will probably happen within their lifetime,” commented the blog.

While expressing sympathy for Muslims being discriminated against by Germans, the story fails to mention the fact that bullying of non-Muslim German children in migrant-heavy schools is a huge and growing problem.

The mother of a student in a Frankfurt school told BILD that her daughter was being bullied by Muslim girls to such a degree that she had to “take them out of school for protection.”

“She was beaten and verbally attacked on the way to school,” said the mother, explaining that abuse was because her daughter has blonde hair, doesn’t wear a headscarf, has a German-Hebrew name and is a Christian.

When the headmaster was informed of the situation, he told the mother to cover up her daughter with a hijab.

Earlier this year, the president of Germany’s Teachers Association warned that schools with over 70% migrant students are spiraling out of control, with attacks on female teachers and Jewish students becoming commonplace.

Heinz-Peter Meidinger told BILD that a story in Berlin about Muslim migrant students circulating ISIS beheading videos was not a lone case and that such propaganda is “spreading like wildfire”.

While the left have attempted to celebrate and fetishize the hijab, in the rest of the world it serves as a symbol of oppression.

According to Muslim reformist Asra Q. Nomani, the headscarf represents a “purity culture” that “covers, segregates, subordinates, silences, jails and kills women and girls around the world.”

Meanwhile, Germans are being indoctrinated to accept the new way of things following Angela Merkel’s open border policy, which allowed in well over 1 million predominantly Muslim migrants over the past three years, with commercials and TV shows increasingly celebrating Islamic culture.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
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Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Editor-in-chief at Your News Wire

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