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Shock Video: Doctor Tells Patient Not To Take Vaccines Because They’ll Soon be Pulled

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Shock Video: Doctor Tells Patient Not To Take Vaccines Because They’ll Soon be Pulled

by Adan Salazar

‘There is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped,’ doctor tells patient…

Alarming footage circulating on social media features a doctor telling a UK woman not to take anymore Covid vaccines because the shots are about to be halted globally.

In the incredible video reportedly out of Chichester, UK, a woman in a telemedicine appointment with a doctor is informed the worldwide vaccination scheme is coming to an end because of information the public has not yet been made aware of.

“…There wasn’t enough information,” the doctor is heard telling the woman.

“And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently that’s enough,” the doctor says. “OK? Any questions?”

The woman sought clarification, asking, “So just to make sure, so you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”

“If you ask me this would be my advice but, yes,” the medical professional advises.

“OK,” the patient responds, “and is that just because you don’t think anyone should have that vaccine at a young age, or is that because medically I can’t have it because of my head?”

The doctor replies, “Because it’s very much as I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier and very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped.”

“This is information that is just really come up. You won’t hear it on TV for a while probably because…[sigh] it’s a long story, but um yea, so it’s very soon they will stop all of these vaccines, people don’t know… but yeah…”

After the woman is informed of several side effects to look out for (sweats, fever, pain, lumps, swelling, pain in leg), the doctor is next asked if the woman’s sister should proceed with getting a booster shot.

“Sorry, could I just ask you? So my sister’s actually due to go and get her booster tomorrow, she’s only 22. So should I tell her…?”

“No… please no,” the doctor begs, adding, “Absolutely not. Does not need it. Please no.”

While it’s unclear exactly what new information the doctor could be referring to, in the past few months several prominent scientists including the inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, have warned against jabbing youngsters, and former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon has warned booster jabs could be wielded as a depopulation tool.

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IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE: The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People!

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