Home ENGLISH ARTICLES ‘THEY’RE KILLING US! THEY’RE KILLING OUR PEOPLE!” – Aboriginal Elder SCREAMS in Facebook Rant After Australian Military Reportedly Holds Down Her People, Shoots Them with Vaccine (VIDEO)

‘THEY’RE KILLING US! THEY’RE KILLING OUR PEOPLE!” – Aboriginal Elder SCREAMS in Facebook Rant After Australian Military Reportedly Holds Down Her People, Shoots Them with Vaccine (VIDEO)

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‘THEY’RE KILLING US! THEY’RE KILLING OUR PEOPLE!” – Aboriginal Elder SCREAMS in Facebook Rant After Australian Military Reportedly Holds Down Her People, Shoots Them with Vaccine (VIDEO)

June Mills, an Aboriginal elder in northern Australia took to Facebook and recorded a disturbing video. Mills claims the Australian military is forcibly holding down aboriginal people and vaccinating them against their will. June Mills screams during her video in rage over the abuse by the Australian government on their native people.

June is an elder from the towns which these people were removed from speaking out, and is rightly ANGRY.

June Mills: The world needs to know what is going on, what is going on with our people. I’m hearing stories of people getting knocked down in the community, and apparently by the army, and forcefully vaccinated. And our brothers and sisters watching it. THEY’RE TRAUMATIZED! And we all are!

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