Home ENGLISH ARTICLES Angry Parents In Mexico Burn Textbooks Infected with ‘Virus of Communism’ in Protest Against Liberal Indoctrination

Angry Parents In Mexico Burn Textbooks Infected with ‘Virus of Communism’ in Protest Against Liberal Indoctrination

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Angry Parents In Mexico Burn Textbooks Infected with ‘Virus of Communism’ in Protest Against Liberal Indoctrination


Parents set fire to books mutilating Spanish language with gender-neutral vocabulary, LGBT indoctrination.

Parents who follow the Christian faith in several parts of Mexico recently set fire to textbooks that contained gender ideology teachings, accusing the books of spreading the “virus of communism”.

More from The New York Post:

Christian groups in Mexico have taken to the streets in protest of their department of education with one group burning books they believed was laced with “Marxist-communist” indoctrination last week, according to a report.


Parents in Mexico from Christian organizations have taken to the streets in the thousands to oppose new textbooks from the Ministry of Public Education they deem to contain sexual and gender ideology content, according to Mexico News Daily. At least 12,000 people attended.


Aguascalientes is one of the 32 states which comprise the Federal Entities of Mexico.

Parents also burned the books in question in Chiapas, a southern Mexican state bordering Guatemala.

Many of the residents of the town are Evangelical Christians.

“At the elementary school in Chiapas… parents in the community piled up boxes of the new textbooks, doused them with fuel and set them afire,” the outlet reported.



The textbooks from the Mexican education department has mobilized parents into activism.

Over 112,000 signatures were collected in a petition demanding the textbook’s distribution be stopped “because of sexualized and gender ideology content inserted without parental consultation.”

According to the Financial Times (FT), the books also contained “‘decolonial’ perspectives that are staunchly critical of capitalism and neoliberalism.”

The books also reportedly attempt to implement painfully ridiculous gender-neutral language.

From FT:

Mexico’s new secondary schoolbooks use gender-neutral language such as “todxs” instead of the masculine plural todos for mixed gender groups, spelling that is rejected by the Real Academia Española, the global guardian of the Spanish language, and is the subject of intense political debate.

MexicoNewsDaily.com reports when some of the textbooks – which also reportedly delved into homosexuality and lesbianism – failed to burn properly some protesters accused them of“being from the devil.”

Demonstrators on loudspeakers in Chiapas reportedly stated, “We want the previous books, not crap,” “We don’t want trash” and “We don’t want triple-X.”

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) downplayed the point of the protests saying demonstrators were”misinformed and manipulated” by politicians.

MexicoNewsDaily.com reports:

“They have the right to demonstrate. We are free,” he said, while calling on people not to be manipulated by leaders, businesspeople and influence peddlers on the right. “That is politicking,” he said.

AMLO added that the books “have been prepared by teachers and experts.”

Meanwhile, the protesters were lauded by conservatives on social media, with many praising them for standing up for their children’s education, with many saying similar book burnings should unfold in America.

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