Home Greek News New Hillary emails reveal correspondence about suspicious timing of Bin Laden raid to cover for Obama’s use of stolen CT Social Security number and fabricated IDs

New Hillary emails reveal correspondence about suspicious timing of Bin Laden raid to cover for Obama’s use of stolen CT Social Security number and fabricated IDs

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New Hillary emails reveal correspondence about suspicious timing of Bin Laden raid to cover for Obama’s use of stolen CT Social Security number and fabricated IDs

-by OrlyTaitzEsq.com

E-mails of Hillary Clinton and her correspondence with her political advisor, Sidney Blumenthal were partially unclassified and revealed their correspondence about Attorney Orly Taitz and her legal actions challenging Barack Obama due to Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 and his use of fabricated IDs.

The May 5, 2011 e-mail from Blumenthal mentions an article by Taitz where Taitz talks about an upcoming hearing in the 9th circuit of a case brought by Taitz on behalf of former UN ambassador, one of the most prominent African-American leaders, Alan Keyes and others, challenging legitimacy of Obama in light of Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number and fabricated IDs. Bin Laden raid happened only a couple of days before this court hearing. All the media that was scheduled to be present at the court hearing and report on Obama’s bogus IDs, turned its’ attention to Bin Laden. Taitz wrote that the timing of the raid was very convenient for Obama.

Taitz will be writing to the State Department seeking to fully un-classify these e-mails and specifically Clinton’s response, which is still classified. Taitz was subject to horrific persecution and defamation for seven years and she seeks disclosure, as to who ordered and orchestrated persecution and defamation of her, as an attorney, who revealed Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs.

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